Catechetical Resources

Sacramental Preparation Resources:
All of these documents are free for download, and may be adapted for your own use. They are not free for resale, even if you adapt them for your own use. If you share them, please kindly point people back to this site! If you do adapt them, I'd love to see your adaptations. Please feel free to share them with me.

Rite of Reconciliation Story Board
A storyboard that walks students through what to expect in the sacrament.

Rite of Reconciliation Storyboard (Script)
A script for use with the Rite of Reconciliation storyboard.

Ten Commandments (Accessible)
The scriptural Ten Commandments accompanied with easy to understand adaptations. It is important to share the actual words of Scripture with your students, along with an accessible adaptation!

Adapted Examination of Conscience
This document may be adapted for the students you are working with. A sample examination of conscience for those with special needs.

The Story of the Eucharist
A sample of how to put the script of your lesson on to one sheet that can be laminated and used by your catechist with each lesson. Repetition is key in adaptive catechesis!

Adaptive First Communion Retreat (Script)
Your aim should always be to integrate your students with special needs in to the retreats and programming of your mainstreamed faith formation program. However, if you are in a situation where an adapted retreat is needed, this is a beautiful one that affords plenty of time for prayer, reflection, and listening to Scripture. You may even want to use it with all of your students!

Adaptive First Communion Retreat (Schedule)
This schedule is meant to be used with the Adaptive First Communion Retreat.

Ongoing Formation Resources: 

Liturgical Picture Guidebook
A guide to what can be found in the church building. This document may be downloaded and modified for your own parish.

The Children of St. Angela Merici:
This is the program that I developed for use with students who have opted to not be in a mainstreamed faith formation class. Mainstreaming is always the goal, but in instances where this is not optimal, this curriculum will provide your students with a rich and interactive alternative. It may also be used as a supplement for your mainstreamed program. This curriculum is heavily influenced by the Catechesis of Good Shepherd method, and is a beautiful complement to that program if it is offered in your parish. However, it can be used to complement any program you may offer in your mainstreamed program! To download each level for purchase, click on the corresponding link. It will direct you to the site where you may purchase that level. 

If you do purchase one of these curriculums, I recommend printing it out and putting it in a binder for your use. All of these curricula are copyright and may not be reproduced. However, your purchase entitles you to print out as many copies as you need for your parish. If you know of other parishes interested in using the program, please direct them to this site. I recommend training catechists for this program using my free training resources. I also highly recommend  reading my books as part of your formation and the formation of your catechists.

If you purchase a curriculum, don't forget to purchase the corresponding Lesson Materials Guide, as well as the Program Materials Guide (which only needs to be purchased once, and can be used with all levels of the program).

Your purchase of these materials also entitles you to free support in implementing the program. Please contact me with any questions or for any suggestions or troubleshooting. I'm happy to help!

Want to see the program in action? Click here.

Level I - Sacramental Preparation 
This level is designed for students of any age preparing to receive Reconciliation and the Eucharist for the first time. Integrating scripture and the Church's rich theological tradition, it helps students to enter in to the mystery of these sacraments in a deep way. 

Purchase the curriculum here. - Coming soon!

Purchase the materials guide here. - Coming soon!

Level II - Ongoing Faith Formation 
Beautiful enough for use with children, teens, and adults, this level is meant to be used year after year, embracing the spirit of mystogogy and the need to enter more deeply into the mysteries of our faith. This level follows the liturgical year and also teaches the Scriptures and Sacraments. The language is accessible, while not watering down any of the richness of our Catholic faith. 

Purchase the curriculum here. - Coming soon!

Purchase the materials guide here. - Coming soon!

Level III - Confirmation Preparation 
This level is designed for children, teens, and adults preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. It richly presents the Scripture, theology, and practical information needed to prepare the enter into the mystery of this Sacrament of Initiation. For students who have already received the Sacrament but where not given proper catechesis, it may be used as mystogogy - "unpacking the mystery."

Purchase the curriculum here. - Coming soon!

Purchase the materials guide here. - Coming soon!

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